Introduction: Faith in Our Astronauts

Podcasts for "NASA Apollo Stories" created by Ken Kozy

Astronauts who walked on the Moon had great Faith and confidence in themselves, their skills, their equipment, and the 400,000 people who worked on the Apollo Missions. They were courageous, trained hard, and loved their country.

Over the past 50 years, I read, heard, and viewed some of the printed materials, documentaries, and eBooks about the Apollo Missions. However, few have covered the Spiritual Faith of these Astronauts. As I researched and learned more about this subject, what I found was fascinating. I felt these facts should be shared with others to understand these brave people and their achievements.

Except for one Geologist, NASA chose these Astronauts because of their experience as jet pilots and test pilots in the Armed Forces. They understood high risks in combat and dangerous life and death situations. They knew the need for calm, quick thinking under immense pressure to control the complicated spacecraft and react to the enormous challenges of space.

As part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the Apollo Missions, NASA requested the public record their thoughts and memories about those events in audio format. They want to archive the recordings to inspire future generations. (To send yours, see: https:\\

I submitted short audio podcasts about my memories of the Apollo Missions. 

I was in my late twenties at the time of those successful Launches. My reflections are what I remember hearing and experiencing during the “giant leap for mankind.”  Using my laptop, I recorded them – each, about 2 to 4 minutes in length. Their titles are listed below along with their transcripts.

Some of the Astronauts had great Faith in God. A few even declared that they found or strengthened their awareness and belief in God because of those space explorations.

I hope these recorded observations and thoughts may inform, surprise, and motivate you and future generations to prepare for challenging space adventures and discoveries. Read, listen, see, and feel – be inspired. God bless you all.

   PODCAST             TITLE  (Transcripts are displayed below)

           1                    Time Capsules

           2                    Inspirational Words and eBooks

           3                    Touching Moon Rocks

           4                    We saw our Flag on the Moon

           5                    Different Time Zones and Miracles

           6                    Christmas Greetings as the Earth Rises over 

                                 the Moon’s Horizon

           7                    The First and Last Words Spoken on the  Moon

           8                   A Puzzle: Who put a Bible on the Moon? 

                                 When and How?

           9                   Why did Astronauts place the first Bible on the Moon,

                                 and orbit the Moon with copies?



>>>>> NOTICE <<<<<

Below are the Transcripts of the Audio Podcasts. To listen to the Audio Podcasts, CLICK the SOUNDCLOUD box at the top of this page's header and then select which Podcast you desire from the playlist.

The contents of KenKozy.Space are for educational purposes only. Nothing is offered for sale and there are no ads on this website. Original writings of Ken Kozy are Public Domain. However, some attached media (photos, audio, graphics, etc.) are copyrighted by their source, so, do not copy those items without proper permissions from those sources. Same for trademarks. 

I will be improving this Web Site for "Faith in Our Astronauts" over the next few months.

If you wish to contact me, please send your eMail message to:

Thank you again, and Blessings,


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRANSCRIPT OF PODCAST 1

Welcome to Podcast 1 for the 2019 NASA Apollo Stories by Ken Kozy. The title is: “Time Capsules.”

Hi, this is Ken Kozy, sharing with you how the words of the Apollo 11 crew inspired me to send a Time Capsule to the Moon.

The broadcast of Astronaut Neil Armstrong’s famous words encouraged us all: “That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind!”

The signatures of Astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins are engraved on a steel plaque, which they left on the Moon for future generations.

Its inspirational message was: “Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon, July 1969, A.D.  We came in peace for all mankind.”

In his lunar phone conversation with the President, Neil said they represented not only the USA, “but men of peace of all nations.”

The Astronauts also left a NASA Time Capsule on the Lunar surface called: “The Apollo 11 Goodwill Messages Disc.”

It contained messages of goodwill from leaders of 73 countries. They were copied in microscopic print onto the Disc using a laser.

It was the first Time Capsule on the Moon.

Included were blessings from various religious beliefs.

One was from the Vatican’s Pope Paul VI, who quoted the words of Psalm 8 of the Bible: 

“For I will behold thy heavens, the works of thy fingers: 

the moon and the stars which thou hast founded. 

What is man that thou art mindful of him?”

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin quoted the same Bible verses during his broadcast, as he and Neil returned to Earth along with Michael Collins, the Command Module Pilot of Apollo 11.

Their actions inspired me 50 years later to prepare to send to the Moon a Time Capsule containing a Bible for the benefit of future lunar inhabitants. 

In 2019, this Bible was printed on metal the size of a small coin using nanotechnology lasers. It can survive in space for thousands of years.

Also shielded from space radiation are electronic files related to the Bible. They will launch in 2021 on the USA’s first commercial lunar spacecraft from the base at Cape Canaveral.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRANSCRIPT OF PODCAST 2

Welcome to Podcast 2 for the 2019 NASA Apollo Stories by Ken Kozy. The title is: “Inspirational Words and eBooks.”

Hi, this is Ken Kozy sharing with you how the spirit of Apollo 11 inspired me to send my eBook around the Sun.

50 years ago, when Apollo 11 landed on the Moon, I was 28 years old and listened to its radio broadcast. I was programming a computer at a client's office in Chicago.

Remember, how relieved and happy everyone felt when we heard Neil Armstrong say, “Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.”

We did not know about it then, but Astronaut Buzz Aldrin had taken aboard Communion bread and wine in his Personal Kit. 

After landing, and with Neil's permission, Buzz ate the small piece of Communion bread and drank the wine from a tiny chalice.

Off microphone, he spoke these Bible verses: 

“I am the vine; you are the branches.
 Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit;
 for you can do nothing without me.”

This food was the first to be eaten on the Moon – physically and spiritually.

The spirit of the Astronauts’ courage and successful missions still inspires me to action.

For example, in 2016, NASA issued a worldwide invitation to submit creative electronic writings about space exploration.

So, I submitted my eBook and other digital files. They discussed exploration, 7-dimensional eCommunications Concepts, and the stars of the Bible’s Christmas Nativity story.

NASA copied all 7,000 submissions they received to a memory disk on their OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. 

The spacecraft traveled over a billion miles without a crew to the important asteroid Bennu. It is successfully orbiting and sending back pictures.

In 2023, OSIRIS-REx will land its samples of the asteroid back on Earth using its Sample Return Capsule.

Then, the spacecraft itself will continue to orbit the Sun for thousands of years. 

It will become a “Time Capsule” with its memory stick containing my eBook and other files. 


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRANSCRIPT OF PODCAST 3

Welcome to Podcast 3 for the 2019 NASA Apollo Stories by Ken Kozy. The title is: “Touching Moon Rocks.”

Hi, this is Ken Kozy sharing with you how the spirit of Apollo 11 still inspires us today.

Would you like to touch the Moon’s surface, or a piece of Lunar Rock brought back by Apollo Mission Astronauts?

You can, because samples of “Touch Rocks” from the Moon were given to every State and many museums as well as to other countries.

For example, I touched two Moon Rocks.

The first is in Florida at the Kennedy Space Center next to the Apollo’s Saturn V rocket display.

The second is at our local Chicago Adler Planetarium. It is part of their Lunar display.

Each is just a sliver or small piece of Moon Rock inside a thick, protective, glass case. There is just enough of an opening on the top side to slide your fingers over the rock to touch it.

Knowing the history of the Apollo Missions, it was exciting, exhilarating, and inspiring for me to be able to touch such a precious sample. You may feel the same emotions as you touch a piece of Lunar Rock.

That piece traveled to us from over a quarter of a million miles away, at the cost of over 12 billion dollars of NASA’s Apollo budget and our taxes! Afterward, you, too, may look up at the Moon differently. In a way, you will have touched a part of it.

Apollo 11 Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin collected about 47 pounds of Lunar samples during their short 2 ½ hour excursion on the Moon’s surface.

The five following Apollo Missions spent more hours on the surface and collected eight-hundred pounds of various Moon Rocks.

The USA freely distributed these Lunar Rocks to laboratories around the world for scientific analysis. All are still being studied and are yielding important information about the Moon’s formation and potential for mining.

Pictures of many of these Lunar Rocks and their contents are described at the internet sites of NASA, Wikipedia, or search engine results.

I thank God that we can see and touch these samples as a reminder of one of the greatest achievements of mankind – walking on the Moon.

Be inspired – listen, read, and touch a Lunar Rock!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRANSCRIPT OF PODCAST 4

Welcome to Podcast 4 for the 2019 NASA Apollo Stories by Ken Kozy. The title is: “We saw our Flag on the Moon.”

Hi, this is Ken Kozy sharing with you how the spirit of the Apollo 11 Mission still inspires us today.

One of the Astronauts’ tasks was to plant an American flag and pole on the Moon’s surface to commemorate the Lunar landing. 

This action was not to claim any lunar territory.  Neil Armstrong did not say his first step was a giant leap for the USA, but rather “for 


During a phone call from the USA President, Armstrong replied: “It’s a great honor and privilege for us to be here representing not only the United States, but men of peace of all nations.” 

Congress was concerned that some would misinterpret our intentions. They passed a law that planting the flag did not convey any territorial claim. However, each Apollo Mission was to erect an American flag upon landing. American flags on the Moon represented us, all humankind, and peace.

Afterward, as they returned to Earth, Astronauts Neil, Buzz, and Michael publicly thanked the 400,000 people who worked to make their Apollo Mission a success. People from many countries and races, as well as immigrants and American citizens labored hard side-by-side for years in our Space Program. 

They built and tested the Apollo spacecraft. They presented the exact science and mathematical answers which resulted in this successful Moon landing and return.  Our tax dollars funded the entire space program.

Remember? When we saw the USA flag unfurled on TV, we burst with pride, and -  some tears of joy were in our eyes. But when it appeared that the flag waved, we only smiled. How could the flag wave? There was no atmosphere or wind on the Moon. What kept the flag from drooping in the minor gravity?

Well, the Astronauts had difficulty planting the vertical pole of the USA flag into the surface of the Moon. Then, there was jamming of the horizontal latching mechanism of a rod placed inside the flag. 

These problems caused the flag to ripple and appear as wrinkles. Using still photography, it appeared to be in motion; but multiple pictures proved the flag did not move.

Our National Anthem begins: “O say can you see….” Well, we did. That day we saw our stars and stripes on the Moon, on TV, from 240,000 miles away.  Our Nation’s motto is in that song’s fourth verse: “In God is our trust.”

All Astronauts sent to the Moon safely returned to Earth. 

I’m impressed, grateful, and inspired.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRANSCRIPT OF PODCAST 5

Welcome to Podcast 5 for the 2019 NASA Apollo Stories by Ken Kozy. The title is: “Different Time Zones and Miracles.”

Hi, this is Ken Kozy sharing with you what I remember about the Apollo 11 Mission to the Moon.

I listened to the radio in Chicago, Illinois as Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon at 9:56 pm, Sunday, July 20th, 1969, Central Daylight Savings Time. He said: “That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind!”

A friend, who was in the US Army, later told me that he heard Armstrong speak those words on Monday, the 21st of July 1969, at 10:56 am. That was his local time in Saigon, South Vietnam. He was west of the International Date Line – on the other side of the Earth! 

We both heard the same words, at the same instance of time, because they were broadcast “live” -   out of Mission Control in Houston, Texas. Their relay signals were sent immediately to TV and radio networks around the world.  Obviously, we heard that broadcast in different time zones, dates, and local clock times.

Actually, the official time on the Moon as recorded by the Astronauts, was 2:56 am Monday morning, UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).  UTC was the NASA time standard for all Moon Landings. 

The differences in the time on our clocks were because of the way we record time around our globe. Our actual clock time depends upon where we are located on Earth at that instant. 

I also remember the many miracles, which I believe occurred during the Apollo 11 Mission.

The first miracle I noted was that they were able to find a safe location to land on the Moon.  Neil Armstrong had to take the controls of the spacecraft away from its autopilot computer programs.

The computer system had not been able to find a safe landing site and was overloaded. They had only 30 seconds of fuel left when he safely landed! WHEW! That was a close one. 

They walked 2 ½ hours on the Moon and performed many vital tasks and experiments. 

When they returned to inside their Lunar Lander, Buzz noticed that the Moon Dust, which fell to the floor from their spacesuits, issued a peculiar metallic smell in the air. While looking closer at the floor, he found a critical switch lying there. It must have broken off from the spacecraft’s control panel during their re-entry into the Lander. 

Without that switch operating correctly, they could not lift-off and would be marooned on the Moon. 

After trying other solutions which failed, Buzz jammed his felt-tipped pen into the switch socket to make contact. Even Mission Control did not know if this would be successful.

Thank God, it worked!  They ‘lit the candle” – igniting the rockets for launch from the Moon to come back home.

They successfully fulfilled the Nation’s goal that before the end of the decade we would send Astronauts to the Moon and return them safely.  That was the USA goal initiated by President John F. Kennedy back in 1961.

God blessed America.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRANSCRIPT OF PODCAST 6

Welcome to Podcast 6 for the 2019 NASA Apollo Stories by Ken Kozy. The title is: “Christmas Greetings as the Earth Rises over the Moon’s Horizon.”

Hi, this is Ken Kozy sharing with you what I remember about the Apollo 8 Mission and crew that orbited the Moon. In late December of 1968, the Apollo 8 spacecraft closely circled the Moon to take detailed pictures of potential landing sites for the following Apollo Lunar Missions. 

On that Christmas Eve, the three Astronauts huddled in the Command Module to broadcast a message to everyone on Earth – where millions of people world-wide listened. 

Astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders took turns to read the first 10 verses of Genesis.  It’s the first book of the Bible, and starts with:  “In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth….”  

The Astronauts concluded with: “…And God saw that it was good. And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas and God bless all of you – all of you on the good Earth.” 

Most listeners enjoyed those comments and believed the reading was appropriate for the occasion to end with warm, heartfelt wishes for the season.

Earlier in their flight, Commander Borman recited a prayer he was scheduled to give at his Church during Christmas services – had he been on Earth: “To the people at St. Christopher's, actually to people everywhere. Give us, O God, the vision which can see thy love in the world in spite of human failure. Give us the faith to trust the goodness in spite of our ignorance and weakness.  Give us the knowledge that we may continue to pray with understanding hearts, and show us what each one of us can do to set forth the coming of the day of universal peace. Amen.” 

Previous to this reading, these three Astronauts were the first humans to witness “Earthrise.” Here on Earth, we view the Moon rising over the horizon of Earth. Instead, they took beautiful color pictures of the Earth rising over the Moon’s horizon.  

That photo is rated among the most famous of the 20th century and was seen by billions of people. Also, the US Postal Service issued a unique stamp commemorating that photo.

Suddenly, people on Earth saw how vital our whole planet is to our survival – how unique and unified we were – amid the background of millions of stars. 

In December 2018, Astronauts Frank Borman (age 91), James Lovell (age 91), and William Anders (age 85) attended the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 8 celebrations at Kennedy Space Center.

During Christmastime in 2018, my wife and I viewed and touched the actual Apollo 8 Command module at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. It was exciting to touch a piece of space history.

In 2019, James Lovell appeared at the Chicago Planetarium for a presentation on the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11’s landing. There, I saw him speak. On that day, he was the oldest living  Astronaut and appeared with the newest Astronaut, Beth Moses from Northbrook, Illinois.  She was a commercial Astronaut of Virgin Galactic, and the first woman to make a spaceflight on a commercially launched vehicle.

The Space Program continues to excite all of us.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRANSCRIPT OF PODCAST 7

Welcome to Podcast 7 for the 2019 NASA Apollo Stories by Ken Kozy. The title is: “The First and Last Words Spoken on the Moon.”

Hi, this is Ken Kozy sharing with you what I remember about the first and last Apollo Missions to land on the Moon.

The famous first words spoken while stepping onto the Moon were from by Astronaut Commander Neil Armstrong:  “That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind!”

I was surprised to hear about the first prayer said on the Moon. In “The Apostles of Apollo” book, written by Carol Mersch, she documented many previously untold stories of those Apollo Missions. She verified them with the Astronauts. 

For example, the first prayer on the Moon intentionally was not recorded for broadcast. It was spoken by Apollo 11’s Lunar Pilot, Astronaut Buzz Aldrin. On July 20, 1969, he prayed as he consumed his Presbyterian Church’s Communion bread and wine which he brought on board in his Personal Kit.

His prayer was from the Bible (chapter 15, verse 5 of John’s Gospel) where Jesus said:  “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me.”

Three years later, on December 14, 1972, before entering the Lunar Module for the last time, Apollo 17’s Astronaut Commander Eugene Cernan unveiled a plaque left on the Lander for viewing by future Lunar inhabitants. It commemorated the achievements made during the Apollo Program.  

Then,  he concluded his comments while standing on the Moon:  “And, as we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind.”

Carol Mersch documented the last prayer said on the Moon. Eugene Cernan, who was from Chicago, was the last man to walk on the Moon from the Apollo Space Program. 

As he prepared the spacecraft for takeoff from the Moon, Cernan made the Sign of the Cross and prayed the Hail Mary: "In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death, Amen.”  

After relaying the vehicle status, he pressed the switch “to light the candle” – igniting the rockets of the ascent module for a successful takeoff from the Moon.

Between these events, there were countless other prayers said by Astronauts in Space, their families and friends, the Apollo Prayer League, and the millions of people of many faiths around the world who believed in the power of prayer. 

Thank God, all the Astronauts sent to the Moon safely returned to Earth from their dangerous Missions.

What interests you most about the Apollo Astronauts and their experiences?  For me, having been a college science major, I was interested in the science; having a career in Computers and Project Management, I was interested in the technology; and, having a belief in God, I was interested in the spirituality of the Astronauts. 

Read, see, listen, and learn more.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRANSCRIPT OF PODCAST 8

Welcome to Podcast 8 for the 2019 NASA Apollo Stories by Ken Kozy. 

The title is: “A Puzzle: Who put a Bible on the Moon? When and How?”

Hi, this is Ken Kozy sharing with you what I remember about the Apollo 15 Mission and its crew as they walked on the Moon and how they inspired us.

Many of us were surprised to hear that a Bible was placed on the Moon. That event was not televised, nor was the audio recorded.

It happened on the afternoon of August 2, 1971, just before the Apollo 15 Astronauts re-entered their spacecraft for return to the Earth. 

Commander David Scott took his own tiny Christian Bible with small print and red covers from the pocket of his spacesuit, and without comment, placed it on the small dashboard of the Lunar Roving Vehicle.

He and Astronaut James Irwin had used this 4-wheel Lunar Rover for transportation during their three days of exploration on the Moon’s surface. I listened on the radio to some of their maneuvers. 

When ready to leave the Moon, Scott drove and parked their 10-foot by 4-foot vehicle beyond the blast range of their takeoff engines. This way, its camera could record their Lunar liftoff for NASA. 

It was there he also set on the ground a memorial plaque dedicated to the Astronauts and Cosmonauts who died in furtherance of space exploration. 

Scott placed his Bible on the Lunar Rover. 

He took pictures of the plaque and then the Rover with the Bible propped against the information screen.

Irwin, his partner on the Moonwalks, knew what Scott was doing. He kept the attention of NASA Mission Control on himself at the spacecraft, so that Scott could complete his work. 

The reason for the secrecy was that there had been a lawsuit by an atheist against NASA. What happened in 1968 was that the Apollo 8 Astronauts read aloud 

the first ten verses from the Bible’s Book of Genesis on Christmas Eve as they orbited the Moon. 

They chose those verses because that reading was already part of several major Faiths. However, the litigant viewed this event as an establishment of religion. A US Federal Circuit Court dismissed that lawsuit.

To avoid further negative publicity, NASA asked the Astronauts not to make any public display of their own religious beliefs during their official Missions. NASA did continue to allow each Astronaut to carry aboard a few small items in a Personal Preference Kit.

Most Americans believed that because of the high risk of death during these Missions, the Astronauts should not be required to change any of their own religious beliefs 

for the sake of secular protocol. 

Instead, the Astronauts were encouraged not to discuss their beliefs during the official public broadcasts.

Years later, I saw that picture Scott took of his Bible on the Rover in the NASA official Apollo internet photo sites at NASA dot gov. You can see the book with its red cover on the information dashboard. 

The Astronauts said nothing about this event until the Apollo 15 Mission returned home. Other radio listeners and I first heard this news about the Bible when the Astronauts announced it during their post-Mission press conference.

Part 2 of this story about the first Bible on the Moon is contained in the next Podcast (#9), which is titled: “Why did Astronauts place the first Bible on the Moon, and orbit the Moon with copies?”

To freely listen to the complete set of my 9 Podcasts, go to  and click the “SoundCloud” button.

Thank you.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRANSCRIPT OF PODCAST 9

Welcome to Podcast 9 for the 2019 NASA Apollo Stories by Ken Kozy. 

The title is: “Why did Astronauts place the first Bible on the Moon, and orbit the Moon with copies?”

Hi, this is Ken Kozy sharing with you what I remember about the Apollo Missions and Astronauts from 50 years ago and how their actions inspired us.

In Podcast 8, I discussed how the Apollo 15 Astronauts placed the Bible on the Moon.

After some research, I found documentation as to the reasons why.  The main reason was to honor the memory of their close friends and fellow Astronauts:

Ed White, Gus Grissom, and Roger Chaffee. 

That entire crew was in a terrible accident and fiery explosion during their training exercise. They died inside their smoke-filled, locked Apollo 1 spacecraft capsule 

on January 27, 1967 – four years before Apollo 15.

Astronaut Ed White had planned to deliver his own Bible to the Moon during one of their planned Missions for the benefit of future generations in Space. The three crew members had diligently prayed for the success of the Apollo Missions. 

Several Astronauts had wanted to express their Faith, and to thank and praise God, and to memorialize the wishes of Ed White by taking a Bible into Space with them. 

Because of this, they asked their Apollo Chaplain, John Stout, to help them. He found an entire King James Version Bible printed on about a 2-inch by 2-inch, 

very thin microfilm that was light enough to include in the crew’s Personal Kits.

According to Carol Mersch, author of “The Apostles of Apollo,” he ordered a several hundred and asked George H. W. Bush, then a Congressman, to help him.

Some Astronauts in Apollo Missions 12, 13, and 14 carried these in their Personal Kits. Most copies only orbited the Moon. One exception was Astronaut Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14 who actually walked on the Moon carrying a small packet of 101 of them.

No microfiche copy was ever left on the Moon – all were brought back to Earth.

After they were returned from the Moon, Chaplain John Stout freely distributed a full copy to the President, members of Congress, churches, and museums.

He distributed free cut-outs of the tiny pages to hundreds in the Apollo Prayer League who had prayed for the safety of the Astronauts and the Apollo Missions.

Apollo 10 Astronaut, Tom Stafford, took with him his mother’s Bible and brought it back with him.

Likewise, Apollo 11 Astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, who took Christian Communion and recited a short prayer he had hand-copied from the Bible, but brought them back to Earth.

Pope Paul VI’s micro-printed message containing Psalm 8 of the Bible was left on the Moon as part of the Apollo Commemorative Silicon Disk holding messages from 74 world leaders. 

Apollo 8 and 13 only orbited the Moon and did not land on the Moon with their Bibles.

As sad as the Apollo 1 catastrophe was, it resulted in essential safety changes, significant re-design, and major improvements as a result of the extensive fire investigation 

and reduced the risk of disaster for future Astronauts. Many believe the prayers and sacrifices of the Apollo 1 Astronauts resulted in the necessary corrections and contributed to the successful Apollo Moon landings and safe returns to Earth.

Regarding Apollo 15, I heard NASA scientists say that by now, the paper and print in the Bible on the Moon may be severely damaged 

due to the high degree of solar and space radiation and intense heat and cold on the Lunar surface. 

They believe the same happened to all the USA flags which Astronauts planted at the landing sites 50 years ago. 

Nevertheless, the Bible and the flags are important symbols of the Faith of the Apollo Astronauts.

The memorial tribute to the men of Apollo 1 by our brave Astronauts was impressive. 

Many of us believed our Constitution’s First Amendment clearly allows all citizens, including Astronauts, their free exercise of religion, as well as the freedom of speech and the press.

Thank God, we now can joyfully celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo Missions and their important successes in the exploration of the Moon.

The accomplishments of the Astronauts inspired me to prepare a nanotechnology-printed Bible and related eFiles. They will be placed inside a pre-paid DHL MoonBox 

of the Astrobotic USA commercial spacecraft which is scheduled to be launched to the Moon next year.

Here are some references which you may find useful:

Audio Podcasts by Ken Kozy regarding the Apollo Missions along with Transcripts and an Introduction are available 

at no cost at 

Then click the SoundCloud button on the first page to listen to my brief, first-hand historical memory Podcasts. 

I also submitted them to the archives of

To learn and see more, use internet Search with the words: ", " "Apollo missions," "lunar Bible,"  and

Thank you.

>>>>> NOTICE <<<<<

The contents of KenKozy.Space are for educational purposes only. Nothing is offered for sale and there are no ads on this website. Original writings of Ken Kozy are Public Domain. However, some attached media (photos, audio, graphics, etc.) are copyrighted by their source, so, do not copy those items without proper permissions from those sources. Same for trademarks. 

I will be improving this Web Site for "Faith in Our Astronauts" over the next few months.

If you wish to contact me, please send your eMail message to:

Thank you again, and Blessings,


Picture: Ken Kozy standing next to NASA Poster for OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft.

Picture Credit: Chris La Pelusa  (Editor & Photographer,
